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Greek Salad

Greek Salad

Olives are an important ingredient in Greek salads. I like to make Greek inspired salads with dark leafy greens (in this case spinach), cucumber, tomatoes, red onion, feta cheese, and olives. I then drizzle on some olive oil, balsamic vinegar, and maybe add a dash or herb salt. Now add your protein of choice to the salad and you have yourself a complete meal! My favorite proteins for this salad are either wild caught salmon or an organic beef patty from grass fed cows. Yum! 🙂

Emelie Kamp is an entrepreneur, wellness coach, green living coach, author of The Sugar Story, and health industry consultant - working towards transforming the way we feel and the way we see ourselves. Be encouraged, be empowered, live your purpose.

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Coconut Curry

Coconut Curry

Coconut curry can be made in a multitude of ways.

What you need:

  • shredded cabbage, chopped onion, cubed zucchini, and shredded carrots
  • OR frozen stir-fry vegetable mix (not AS good but faster)
  • protein (chicken, fish, shrimp, or lentils)
  • coconut milk
  • curry seasoning or curry paste (green or red, doesn’t matter)
  • salt

How to make it:

Fry the vegetables in coconut oil on the stove and add your choice of protein. Add a can of coconut milk and lots of curry seasoning. Add some salt to taste.

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