
Mashed Jerusalem Artichokes

Like mashed potatoes, Jerusalem artichokes work great as a mashed side to many meals, but without all the fast carbohydrates that mashed potatoes give you. Mashed Jerusalem artichokes goes extremely well with a hearty stew, so you gotta try that! You can either mash the Jerusalem artichokes with or without skin. The skin is very nutritious so leaving that on is a great idea, but the mash will be a bit darker than if you peel them before. Make sure to wash them thoroughly or peel off the peel before boiling them. Add water to the pot and boil the Jerusalem artichokes until soft enough to mash. Test with a toothpick to see when they’re soft.

Pour out most of the water (leaving a little liquid in the pot to mash with). Mash together using an immersion blender. Add a touch of cream or coconut milk if you want it a bit creamier. Add sea salt and pepper to taste.


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