What is Your Motivation for Change?
“If you could change one thing in your life, what would that change be, and why?”

Others have asked me likewise, and it was tough to pick just one out of a handful of them.
What stood out to me first, was the time my life changed when I first became a mother.
I felt the inevitable energy drops, the mood swings, the lack of motivation. Everything about me inside and out had changed. The glory of it all, was I had just experienced life at its finest — bearing life in my womb and delivering life thereafter. That in and of itself is a unique experience, and that’s when my perspective of life changed. I was no longer living for myself. I was living to give to another.
How could I possibly give the best, if I was low in energy, run down, discouraged? I found myself scrambling for food or eating nothing at all trying to balance a marriage, ministry, motherhood, and a home. I knew something had to change. A month into motherhood, I gleaned wisdom and experience from good friends who were practitioners in whole body wellness and functional and holistic medicine. I learned how to see things differently with the human body and food, personal responsibility and cause and effect. How and what I was fueling my body with was going to affect my output, and it would inevitably impact how I’d engage as a first-time mom.
When I was pregnant, I took on the motto “Hey, I eat for 2!” and would indulge with liberty. Then my mindset changed, and I realized my health mattered not just for me, but for my son too. I wanted to be the best mom possible. Part of that, was dependent on how I was taking care of my mind, body and soul. That being said, I chose to take care of my health with this mindset and set different habits that would benefit the way I took care of my family. In time, these habits eventually became a lifestyle, engraved into my family’s life today. When I became a mom, I learned that being a good steward of my body was no longer just because I was living for myself, but I was living for 2, and then came 3 more.
We have one mind, one body, one life, and a life full of people we get to love. What changes are you ready to make, so you can live and love at a greater capacity? Let’s do this!

Who are You?

Everyone has a story. Our stories are what color in the details of who we are and how we show up to the world around us, and how we engage with it/them: relationships, jobs, schools, etc. We were all intentionally and intelligently designed to be unique individuals. When we discover who we are, where we came from, and what we were designed for in this lifetime, we find the freedom in seeing ourselves in our truest identity. It is in this freedom, our personal story can be expressed organically and experienced by others.
The messages of our stories are often communicated and translated through the ways we impact and interact with the people we are privileged to have in our lives— whether for a short while, or for a lifetime. When we discover who we are and the purpose we were uniquely designed to fulfill, we begin to not only value ourselves, we also begin to value others around us at the same capacity of which we value ourselves. Our intentions, interactions, and impact become more authentic, vulnerable, and hold a greater potential to add life changing value to the lives we are privileged to be a part of.
So how do we begin to discover who we are at our core and what we were designed to live for? Awareness is the first step. Taking an inventory of our character, our morals, our values, our tendencies, patterns, feelings, passions, attitudes, relationships can be key to self discovery. These are the fruit from seeds that have been planted in the soil of our young minds from the moment we were even conceived– unconsciously. Taking a brave trip down memory lane to take a good look at where we’ve historically come from, is another key factor to self discovery. These impactful experiences, whether big or small, manifest in our idiosyncrasies. Some of which would be ideal to change, because we and others around us, deserve them to be changed.
We as humans will inevitably share similarities. The genetic and neurological composition of our individual beings however, are uniquely different. When we take a good look at who we are at our core there is a lot to discover about how intentionally and intelligently we were uniquely designed to be, and the life we were destined to uniquely live; serving the world around us at different capacities and various ways.
Here are some questions to ask yourself…
1. Who are you?
2. Where did you come from?
3. What were your designed for here on earth?
4. How were you created to impact the world around you?
5. What does your unique design have, to solve a problem that exists in the community that surrounds your life?
6. When are you going to venture out into a courageous journey of fully living at your greatest potential and impacting at your optimal?
7. What or who do you need in your life, to make this happen? (I call this, resourcing up!)
Sometimes, we need someone in our corner coming alongside us through the journey of self discovery. For those interested in discovering their truest identity and the possibility of unlocking their greatest potential, connect with me! I’d be happy to be a part of that journey and see you thrive as the best version of yourself!
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